Jun 10, 2008

Government Documents

Losing Weight Safely.  U.S Food and Drug Administration. 6 June 2008. http://www.fda.gov/opacom/lowlit/weightls.html.

This document, released by the FDA, provides healthy options for losing weight in a safe and effective way. In addition, it explains that diet pills, without a prescription, do not make a significant difference in the amount of weight an individual loses. They also give a list of questions to ask a company when signing up for a weight-loss program. This is a good source because it provides reliable advice and simple eating habits which can help the public lose weight healthily. An document released through the FDA, would be valuable when researching fad diets. 

Larkin, Marilynn. Losing Weight Safely. FDA Consumer Magazine. 3 June 2008.  http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/196_wght.html.

Although this government document was published in 1996, the message implied still holds true today. Larkin describes the amount of money Americans are spending yearly on weight-reduction products. Although these products have proven to be extremely popular. the National Center for Health Statistics have shown that obesity is still on the rise. Reinforcing that their are no dieting shortcuts, dieters should devise an eating plan keeping in mind: moderation, variety, and balance. This dieting advice is still accurate today. This source would be useful because it shows that even years ago, diet pills failed. The only healthy way to lose weight proves, again, to be merely healthy eating and exercise.

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